Prague Congress Center
The former building was built in the 80´s and in 1981 it was open as one of the largest and the most modern cultural European centers. In 1998 - 2000 the building has gone through an exacting reconstruction and completation and also new multifunctional building has been built a large hotel and office capacities. In the Congress Centre there are 20 halls and 50 rooms with capacity from 12 to 4.500 persons. The Prague Congress Centre is with its meeting, banquet and exhibition offered area including supporting services the biggest and the most complete provider this type of services in the Czech market.
Conference Premises
- Congress (2,813 pax) and Forum Hall (1,034 pax)
- 14 Meeting Halls (12-700 pax)
- 21 Meeting Rooms (20-140pax)
Meeting Rooms
- Comfortable rooms for individual meetings with lower capacity of seats
- Variability of seat arrangement (theatre, class, council, U-Shape, etc.)
- The rooms can be darken by the Venetian blinds
- Dispoersion areas adjoining halls, poster sections and exhibitions, coffee breaks and other gastronomic activities
- Panoramic view of Prague
- Possibility of linking other foyers and provide an extended exhibition area of 8,500m2
Meeting Halls VI - VII
- These halls are located on the minus first floor
- Halls for meetings, seminars, exhibitions, social and business activities, etc.
- Each of the hall has the capacity of 125 people
Congress Hall - Amphiteatre
- Congresses, social and cultural activities
- Row arrangement (theatre)
- Maximum capacity of 2,813 seats (ground floor 1,826 and balcony 987 people)
- Total stage surface 600m2
Clubs A,B,C,D,E
- Variable meeting rooms with the possibility of combination from 65 to 485 people
- Seminars, conferences, training courses, company presentations
- Area suitable for linkage for gastronomic activities, exhibitions
- Clubs A & E - maximum capacity of 140 seats
- Clubs C maximum capacity of 65 seats
- Clubs B-D maximum capacity of 70 seats
- Panoramc view of Prague - peripheral wall of glass panels, with blackout facility
- Clubs can be connected into one room or they can be divided into separate rooms by movable walls
Panorama Hall
- Maximum capacity of 370 seats
- Exhibitions of bothe business and artistic character
- Possibility to use this hall also as conference premises
- Optimal gastrnomic area for a big congress-possible linkage with Gloria Restaurant
- Panoramic view of Prague - peripheral wall of glass panels, with blackout facility
Meeting Halls I - II
- Modular meeting halls in the V.I.P. part of the Prague Congress Centre
- Section meetings for congresses, seminars, congerences, training courses and comany presentations
- Separate foyer
- Meeting Hall I - maximum capacity of 420 seats
- Meeting Hall II - maximum capacity of 24 seats (fixed ovel table)
Forum Hall
- Multipurpose hall for congresses, banqueting, exhibitions and cultural activities
- Area 1077 m2
- Maximum capacity of 1034 seats (ground-floor - 648 + balcony - 386)
Meeting Hall III - V
- Modular meeting halls in the V.I.P. part of the Prague Congress Centre
- Section meeetings for congresses, seminars, conferences, training courses and company presentations
- Separate foyer
- Meeting Hall III - maximum capacity of 12 seats, a luxurey meeting hall with fixed round table (previously a presidental suite)
- Meeting Hall IV maximum capacity of 210 seats
- Meeting Hall V maximum capacity of 210 seats
North Hall
- Exhibitions
- Lectures, meeting of congress sections, seminars, company preserntations
- Maximum capacity of 220 presons
- Panoramic view of Prague - peripheral wall of glass panels, with blackout facility
- Exhibiton area 428 m2
- This space is suitable for exhibitions and posters; it can be also used for different gastronomic activities
- Panoramic view of Prague
South Hall
- Exhibition premises - 935 m2
- South Hall can be used for seminars, conferences and gastronomic activities
Chamber Hall
- Multipurpose hall for section conferences, session meetings, lectures, seminars, company presentations, film projections and exhibitions
- Maximum capacity of 180 persons
- Panoramic view of Prague - peripheral wall of glass panels, with blackout facility